NeuroDebian: The Ultimate Neuroscience Software Platform

- - posted in Atlases, Datasets, NeuroDebian, Software, Virtual Machines


NeuroDebian is a turnkey software platform for nearly all aspects of the neuroscientific research process.

NeuroDebian provides a large collection of popular neuroscience research software for the Debian operating system as well as Ubuntu and other derivatives. Moreover it provides some popular datasets and atlases within the same convenient package management system.


Popular neuroscience-oriented packages include AFNI, FSL, PyMVPA and many others. In addition popular projects for generic (e.g. pandas, xppaut) and distributed (e.g., coop-computing-tools, condor) computation needs are included. The entire list is too long to cite here.



Majority of software packaged by NeuroDebian team is integrated are already available on any stock Debian or Ubuntu system. In addition we maintain a dedicated NeuroDebian repository which you could add to APT sources on your stock Debian/Ubuntu installation to obtain most recent versions and software we maintain AND data packages which are absent from official Debian and Ubuntu archives.

Personal virtualization

Pre-crafted NeuroDebian virtual appliance allows to start using NeuroDebian and thousands of available software packages on any operating system in matter of minutes.


NeuroDebian provides software for the NITRC-CE environment available for the hackathon participants.


Email us directly with any “private” communication. Otherwise please use our public mailing list with any support questions.

You are welcome also to join #neurodebian IRC room on OFTC network if you have quick questions or want to join a live discussion.

Please visit our support page for additional channels.


If you are not using NeuroDebian already - you must try it now!
