Erin Dickie (She/Her)

Scientist, Assistant Professor, Krembil Centre for Neuroinfomatics, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto

Dr. Erin Dickie completed her PhD in Neuroscience from McGill University, followed by post-doctoral fellowships at Baycrest and SickKids Hospitals in Toronto. She is a Project Scientist in the Kimel Family Translational Imaging-Genetics Laboratory at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Dr. Dickie studies brain connectivity with people with complex brain disorders (i.e. Autism and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders) using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Her research focus is personalized connectomics, or the ability to map brain organization at the level of an individual. She is the lead developer of the ciftify package and contributes to various projects (i.e. dmriprep, BIDS Common Derivatives, Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform).


Open, community-driven, software pipelines: a retrospective and future outlook

Talk abstract - 24th June 2020
Theme: Open Workflows
Format: Emergent session