Brainhack Team
Sina Mansour L.
Hackathon Chair
Bruno Hebling Vieira
Hackathon Co-Chair Elect
Niousha Dehestani
Buddy System Lead
Sung Min Ha
Local Hackathon Ambassador
The OHBM Open Science SIG mission is to advance neuroimaging research by fostering the open sharing of ideas, data, and tools between members of the OHBM community. This will be accomplished by organizing educational events, supporting collaborative initiatives, and providing mentorship to junior researchers.As with previous years, our three main contributions to the OHBM annual meetings are:
- Organizing a Brainhack to precede the annual meeting
- Introducing the tools of open science via interactive tutorials
- Facilitating collaborative work on a wide range of open science projects
The Brainhack Team is a part of the broader OHBM OSSIG (Open Science Special Interest Group), collaborating on various open science initiatives, including the Brainhack and the Open Science Rooms. OSSIG members actively contribute to advancing open science principles and practices.
Subapriya Suppiah
OSSIG Secretary
Yi Ju Lee (Jean)
OSSIG Treasurer
Stefano Moia
OSSIG Chair Elect
Wei Zhang
OSSIG Secretary Elect
Nur Shahidatul Nabila Ibrahim
OSSIG Treasurer Elect
Selma Lugtmeijer
OSR Chair
Xiangzhen Kong
OSR Co-Chair
Ju-Chi Yu
OSR Chair Elect
Yu-Fang Yang
Community Liaison Officer
Hong Ji Kim
Community Liaison Officer
Anibal Solon Heinsfeld
Inclusivity Officer
Povilas Karvelis
Hybridization Officer